Installation, ALWAYS THE SUN, 2024, curated by Library Street Collective, Detroit, MI, photo: Leah Rutt
YOU ARE A PRISM, 2024, 72” x 120,” acrylic on canvas
Installation, PAINTINGS TO THE FULL FLOWER MOON, 2024, Alexander Berggruen, NY, photo: Dario Lasagni
ADJACENCIES G, 2023, 13” x 11,” oil on linen
Exterior View, ROSY, 2023, McCormick Gallery, Chicago
Interior View, ROSY, 2023, McCormick Gallery, Chicago
MOSS, 2023, 60” x 66,” acrylic on canvas

THE POND, 2023, 60” x 66,” acrylic on canvas
Studio View 2023

HALF OCEAN, 2014, 13” x 11,” gouache on paper with collage

Installation, COLOR CAST, 2018, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, photo: Tom Van Eynde

Installation, MATERIAL, 2021, Mexico City, curated by Eric Ruschman (pictured here with work by Katy Kirbach)
Installation, Singing in Unison, NYC, curated by Phong H, a project of the Brooklyn Rail
UNSEEING GREEN, 2021, 66” x 60,” acrylic on canvas, photo: Dario Lasagni

FLOATING FRESCOES, 2009, Lake Skowhegan